

The Society of The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Lackawanna County
P.O. Box 1454
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18501-1454

email: [email protected]

The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick began in Philadelphia in 1771 when the country was first being founded. Original members and frequents to meetings were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.

Since then, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick’s mission has still remained the same: to aid and assist poor and oppressed persons emigrating from Ireland to the United States.

The Friendly Son’s contribution to society has varied with the times. Throughout the first century of their existence, they aided victims of starvation. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, they helped victims of floods and natural disasters.



The whole organization wishes to improve the education and level of scholarship of those of Irish birth and lineage in the United States and in Ireland by scholarships, grants and loans, to make contributions to other worthy charitable and religious organizations and causes, and to appropriately record and memorialize the exploits of the Irish in the United States, in Ireland and elsewhere.

The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in Wilkes-Barre is devoted to helping the people of NEPA and assisting them in reaching their greatest potential.

Be sure to keep up with news from Sundance Vacations on the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick or other charities and click the DONATE button above to join the effort!