

ADDRESS: 55 W. Wacker Drive | Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60601
PHONE: (800) 586-4872
EMAIL: Submit Inquiry Online

Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

Working to improve lung health and preventing lung disease through education, research, and advocacy, the American Lung Association fights for air.

They are American’s oldest voluntary health organization, founded in 1904.

They courageously fight the disease that is the number three killer in the United States. For over 100 years now, the American Lung Association has been raising awareness and funds for battling lung diseases.



The American Lung Association was among the first to make the connection between air pollution and lung disease.

Other areas the Lung Association is hoping to improve include: childhood asthma, lung cancer, influenza, smoking and secondhand smoke as well as fighting for overall cleaner air quality.

They always find was to fund their cause, such as selling their popular Christmas Seals, used to seal holiday cards.  The Seals have been helping the Lung Association raise funds since that program began in 1907.

Be sure to keep up with news from Sundance Vacations on the American Lung Association or other charities and click the DONATE button above to join the effort!